Sunday 22 May 2011

Work It! Chapter 3.

Welcome back to the third chapter. Let us let this chapter on a rumble first off with my two things I need to tell you...

A) NO ONE IS READING. I didn't think I was THAT bad at legacies.


B) THE FOOD LEGACY is my absolute favourite legacy and it inspired me to do this one. (;

You mean... I'm not... original!? *cries*

What a perfect start to the chapter Kelly. Thanks.

Are you gonna tell them what happened at work???

Ahhh, yes. I'm quite sure this happens to every founder around the 3rd chapter of the legacy... And NO. It's not 'hubby time' or 'hubby-ness' or baby-ness' or whatever you wanna call it...


... tion.


I'm trying to sound fancy. Don't ruin today for me.

Don't worry I will...



Now can we talk about me?

Gah, you're rude. But yes, probably, that's what this legacy is all about. The Founder. YOU. THE ONE.



Very Ecstatic.

Wow. You look so very proud.

Shut up.

Ohhh, touchy... But seriously, you are my first sim that has not... clapped. Like seriously, no celebration. Nothing. You just stood there. Like that. For a whole hour. And then finally decided to go home.

Whats with the long paragraphs and the short sentences? It's confuzzling me.

You poor child.

Kelly: No, No! That's umm, not my house, hehe. Just drop me off here and I'll walk the rest of the way.

Before hopping out to 'walk home' she utterly confused the pregnant driver.

Driver Lady: No, this address is on the paper.
Kelly: Ummm... *grabs paper out of ladies hand, scrunches it up and throws it out the window* Now it's not on it, is it? *death stare*
Driver Lady: Errmmm, no...
Kelly: Good, now just remember, I dont live here, DONT DRIVE ME HOME TOMOROW!

You are so cruel.

I didn't want anyone knowing I live there!

Get another promotion and you may be lucky enough to get some walls.

But then I'll live in a shack!

Shack? ... Or GRASS.



Kelly: Hate... *SNORE* ... Work...
I thought it was your lifetime wish to become a CEO... Which involves a lot of working!

I do like work... It's just... my boss scares me!

I should've never let you watch Austin Powers. And NO, Kelly, the actor of Dr. Evil is Mike Myers not Nick Alto!

Aht, aht! I refuse to speak with you! *covers ears with hands* LALALALALALALLALALALALALALA!

Now you're just being silly.

Kelly: ARGH! What the hell do you want!?
Kelly woke up in the middle of the night due to a phone call. Kelly, may I ask... Why did you stuff your phone into the under-piece of your lingerie!?

It's quick and easy!

That is just WRONG!

You're so distracting with your discusting... mishaps...

Fine then, go on, go on...

Kelly hopped up and answered her phone.

Phone Lady: Hello, this is 'Extrodanary' the line of hair and facial products. Is your hair dry and knotty?
Kelly: No...
Phone Lady: Is your face covered in acne?
Kelly: No.
Phone Lady: Then this is the line for you!
Kelly: I SAID NO TO BOTH YOU DIMWIT!  *hangs up*

What Kelly didn't and still doesn't know is that was really just a phone robot, not a real person.

Robots are taking over PHONES too!?


Not the sharpest rock in the pile, this one...



Kelly then proceeded with her 'classy' night and 'classily' broke the sink, as she says.

Yes, I was very classy.

Not to mention dramatic. You must have alot of hidden traits...

Like what?

Snob, Mean Spirited, Evil, STUPID.

Okay first of all, I am none of those. And Second, that's not even a trait you meanie!

Oops almost forgot, CHILDISH.

Music Box: Hush little baby don't you cry, mumma's gonna get you a cherry pie... Kelly: *SNORE*
I then made her... 'classily' repair it, and as a reward, I got her a music box. It actually put her to sleep!

It did NOT! I was just joking!

What? Because you passed out afterwards?

SHUT UP. You're always so mean to me!!! WHY DO YOU HATE ME!!!!!

You sound like the whiney teenagers on that 'Total Teen Party' show.

Kelly then woke up and had a shower... one FULL of ENJOYMENT!

What!? Remember, the stripper thing!?

Firstly, you were SINGING! And secondly, You would have so loved for someone to see you in that shower.

Okay, FIRSTLY, I was TRYING to distract myself, and second, GASP.

Well, that concludes this chapter, next chapter will be about hubby hunting! (:

Stay tuned! =]

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