Sunday 8 May 2011

Living The Not-So Dream... Chapter 2

Hello and welcome to chapter two! I know, I know. Another chapter so soon!? Yes, I got excited. x]

Yadayada, get onto the topic of ME already.

Wow, do you have the hidden snob trait? 'Cause it's really showing right now.



Kelly woke up at the late hours of 10pm and went to her boss' house.

My boss is living the dream, I'm living the not-so dream...

Don't copy the title. That's plagarism.

Stealing from one is plagarism, stealing from many is research.

Haha. That's just an excuse to steal things.

No, no its not.

Can we get on with this post please?

Kelly: Oh. My. God. Even the door is pretty!

Kelly rang the doorbell, and while waiting she swooned over the door.

Oh hush up. Not true. I was more interested to see what was inside.

She was greeted by her boss and let inside.

I must say without the hair he might just look like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers...

Dr. Evil with Hair.

But he also seemed to fit his job, he's got the whole, 'im-totally-into-my-job-and-i-have-a-wig-on-cause-i-actually-have-no-hair-like-dr-evil' look goin' on there. :]

But I must say his house is apaullingly dirty. You'd think they would be rich enough to hire a maid, at least.

Again... Picky, picky...

He asked ME to pick up HIS trash, do I look like the maid!?

Kelly: OMG. I wish I didn't have a nose.
That place reeked!

I can't believe you actually picked up there trash, you said you were offended!

Anything to please 'The Big Cheese.'

Don't ryhme it's not 'classy'

OH NO! I ruined my reputation for life!

What reputation? You're a bunch of pixels.

That's discrimination.

Oh wow.

Holly: Arrrr, I'm telling Dad!
Kelly seemed to not care about the stench and simply played video games, when in the process waking up there poor daughter Holly, who then threatened to tell 'The Big Cheese'.

I was on my hands and knees trying to get her not to! Classily of course... What a little brat!

I could say the same about someone else...


Thank you, now if you could just stop interupting for one second I could get this finished and you can go back to your hole... I mean, wonderfully furnished... lot.

Kelly: *SNORE* Shiny... House... *SNORE*
Kelly ran from Holly all the way to home. Then Nick Alto (The big Cheese) came over and told her it was late and she should leave his house.

Some sims are just messed up.

Again, one could say the same about you...


Back to the -freaking!- post! Once Kelly had recovered from that awkward moment she went to sleep and started to dream of her lot... Apparently she thinks its nice and shiny.

WHAT!? Never in my life would I think my lot is shiny! I was dreaming about the Alto's house!

Diva flip-out much?


Silence is a moment of happiness. :)

Kelly: Itchy... Uniform!!!

Kelly woke up and proceeded into her carpool, in her...classy... uniform. You can just tell it's her style. Right readers?

NO! NO NO NO NO NO! Do not listen to her readers! That outfit is horrible, it's itchy, and red is not my colour!

Oh wow. It's a catastrophe, someone call the fashion police.


You know there is no such thing right?

Yes there is, you just dont have their number.

Why not? D:

You are not worthy.

GASP! Well I never. It's the mute button for you!

No wait-

Ahhh, serenity, silence...

I was then stupid enough to think maybe I would see Kelly in there working. I'm a dimwit. I knew rabbitholes were rabbitholes the first time I played the game.

Where's Kelly to agree with me?

Oh right I muted her. I kinda miss her now... *presses unmute button*

Well it's about time! I felt so LONELY!

If you find a decent hubby that could help.

I'm waiting for the right one to come around.

Ugh, that is SOOO tacky.

Tacky but true...

Even that was tacky. Yanno, I shouldn't unmuted you, you just distract me.

Okay, okay, continue...

Kelly: OMG! I'm so happy! I'm stressed out and I reek!

That is sad.

I did not say that.

Yes you did, I hear everything. ;]

On account of finding out she was stinky, as soon as she stepped onto her lot she started to gasp and fan her nose...

Ahhh, showering at sunset...

Kelly then jumped in to a refreshing shower full of enjoyment.

ENJOYMENT!? I was exposed! Anyone could have been watching! They might've thought I was a stripper or something!

Well you do pose in your lingerie...


You sound like a little snobby brat.

*softly weeping*

I've finally broken her... THANK GOD!

*SNORE* Need promotion.. *SNORE*
Wow, you're desperate...

Well... *sniffle* It's my LTW, and when I gain it, it gets YOU legacy points...

Very good point, I'm desperate too.

Classy Kelly
Upon waking up Kelly decided to eat her... orange ... flavoured ice-cream on her...classy... toilet.


It sure-as-heck looks like you.

Whatever, just move on, this isn't very eventful anyway...

I thought everything in your life was eventful... Remember? The Poster incident?

You will never get over that will you?


Kelly: Heheh... Monique? Have I ever told you how pretty you are? And how much I  like tvs?
Kelly relaxed on her bed, said those exact words and looked me in the eyes. I had extra money, so I gave her what she wanted.

Kelly: Hahaha, the two lived happily ever after! Hahahaha!
Kelly then spent her 'morning' laughing over romance shows...

It was just so funny how dramatic they were! And HELLO reality check! No one lives happily ever after...

DUDE. It's a romance show. It's SUPPOSED to be cheesy.

Not in my world.

You mean in Sunset Valley? I have seen many people oohing and aawing over romance shows in Sunset Valley.

... I hate it when your right.

And I love it when you're wrong.


Kelly: Must get promotion, must get promotion!
Whoo! I'm pumped! :) You better have got a promotion Kelly...

I want to be a good founder and leave it as a surprise for the readers...

Now you choose to be responsible, THIS IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH!

How is it?

Do you want to live in a house?

Shutting Up now...

Thats what I thought...

Stay tuned for the next chapter guys!

Things for thought:
Will Kelly get promoted?
Will Kelly FINALLY find a guy?

Find out next time! (:

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