Saturday 7 May 2011

Oh No... Chapter 1.

Hello and welcome to the Walsh Legacy! Let us hope I will stick with this one.
We'll make a collector card of our founder now...

Kelly Walsh

Great Kisser,
Good Sense Of Humour,
Charismatic and

Now, let's hope she doesn't flirt with every man in town...

Things Don't happen twice, Monique.

Nice to see you too, Kelly. Now, if you want a collector's (sort-of) card please let me continue...

Become a CEO of a mega-corporation.

Pink, Electronica, and Lobster Thermidor.

Okay, feel free to talk now Kelly.

Let's talk about my totally calm reaction to my house... erm, Lot.

Don't tease, I worked with what I had. Anyway, your reaction... Hmm...

Oh, now I remember! You had a little hissy-fit like the girls on tv do. :)

Umm, I dont recall that...(Shhh! People may be reading!)

Wait a sec, wait a sec... I SHALL QUOTE! (Mwahahaha >:) )

Kelly: Oh No...

Me: Oh yes...

Kelly: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I wanna go home!

Me: They kicked you out remember?

Kelly: NOOOOOOOO! qoehliabwiuaxzxksbgi!!! (Screaming and crying on ground)



Please get on with less embarrassing stuff...

Like when you got the job at the Doo Peas Corporate Towers and wet your pants?


That's Right.

I refuse to believe that rubbish.

No, seriously. You walked out of the Towers with that stupid smile on your face, stood there for about five minutes, and peed yourself.

That did not happen. I'm too classy.


Tell the readers more exciting and less embarrassing stuff about me.

Okay, okay...

Like when you played tag with a kid in the park and you almost died from exhaustion even though he stopped playing like an hour ago?


Okay, okay, I'm just teasing...

Move onto hubby-hunting...

Oohkay... (There is something embarrassing in here too though...)

He was soooo smexi.


What's so funny?

I found out something you didn't... Heheheh...

I'm sure it's not that bad...

If you say so...

The two got chatting...

I never really noticed how short he was...

*snigger* That's 'cause he was a teen.

So that's why you said let's go find someone better...?


Tell them about Dave!

Dave who? >.<

The Paparazzi!

Oh right him...

You only like him 'cause he's a pap don't you?

I do now... But before I swooned over him.

What was the problem with Dave? I liked him.

He was pitiful at love, HE FAILS AT LIFE! FAILS AT LIFE I SAY!

You only hate him 'cause he hates flirting don't you?

Yes. He is not worthy of my lean body, nice shape, he wants to take me on a date, BOOM! Does he have what it takes? He better have some cake.

You're not Alexis Jordan. Now shut up before you break the screen, that won't get me many fans.


Sorry for skipping her trip home, it was uneventful.

Everything in my life is eventful, you should have posters.

Only a total freak would have a poster of you.


That finally shut her up...

So Kelly sat on her bed smiling because she loved her day so very much.

Then Kelly started to dance with enthusiasm.

She had to stop because her butt was calling her to tell her to start actually dancing.



I am awaiting Kelly's comeback...



Where's Kelly? I'm starting to miss her. :(

Be nice.

Sure. Now will you stay?

Just tell them how the rest of my classy night went.


Kelly made her classy autumn salad, while prompting a, erm... classy, wish to buy a stove. I agreed considering she was going to get one anyway.

And... :)

And Kelly then proceeded to eat her, ermm... classy.... salad on her... classy... toilet... classily.

GASP! You have no proof!

Om nom nom..

How's that for proof?

This is the worst post of my life...

This is the first post... There will be a lot of other embarrasing moments...

Oy vey...

Heheh... The rest of the night consisted of Kelly posing in her...classy... lingerie, for two hours and then finally hopping into bed... :]

...classy... lingerie

Nice Kelly, nice.


Well since Kelly has no way of making a comeback, Im going to leave this incredibly long first chapter here.

Please comment, read, and look out for the next chapter! (:

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